Questions & Answers

What are the basic legal requirements?

Applicants must be at least 18 and residents of the United States. 

Any other basic requirements?

You will need a reliable internet connection and a Zoom account for our meetings. (You don’t need a professional or paid account.)

How are applicants chosen?

We will be evaluating applications with a scoring rubric that includes a list of predetermined criteria, designed to eliminate bias and maximize fairness as much as possible. Applications will be scored by Lisa, Emily, and our board members Daren Todd and Jen Hewett.

When can I expect to hear back about my application?

The application period closes May 5th, and mentees will be chosen in June.

Will you let me know if I’m not chosen?

Yes, we will be contacting everyone who applied, regardless of whether you are chosen.

If I’m not chosen, will you tell me why?

Unfortunately, we don’t have the bandwidth to provide feedback on individual applications. 

How often will we be meeting?

We will meet as a small group twice a month (every other week). Each session will last one hour. There will also be the opportunity for ongoing email support as needed.

Where and how will we meet?

Our meetings will take place over Zoom.

How long does the mentorship last?

One year (July 2023 – June 2024).

Can I become a mentor?

In the future, we may bring in additional mentors and guest speakers. If you’re interested in becoming a guest speaker or mentor, please contact us.

Have a question not covered here? Contact us.